Hugh Nelson McAllister - A Pennsylvanian Who Deserves to be RememberedOn the surface, the folded letter in Figure 1 is not all that remarkable. There are, of course, only about 11,500 covers and folded...
"First Air Mail to Arrive in New York from the East": Close But No CigarThe cover shown in Figures 1 and 2 caught my attention when it was offered at auction in July 2023. I had heard of the recipient Edward...
Par Ballon Monte Letter from the Siege of Paris in 1870On July 16, 1870, fearing the loss of its dominant position in continental Europe, France declared war on the North German Confederation...
Abraham Lincoln Campaign Cover from 1860This is a great Abraham Lincoln campaign cover (Figure 1). The cover is postmarked "October 29" but without a year. I'm fairly confident,...
"The Striding Messenger": A Philadelphia Local Post Circa 1846 to a Budding ChemistFor a short period in the mid 1800s until they were put out of business by Congress and the Post Office, there were a number of companies...