V-Mail and "Free" Franks from World War II, 1944During World War II, just like every conflict from the Civil War forward, the delivery of mail from the home front to the battlefield and...
Trans-Pacific Mail to New Zealand and Australia Early 1940sOne of the major milestones in postal history was the establishment of transpacific airmail routes. The first route to be established was...
Two Letters to Charles Earl Carpenter, Ice Baron, 1844 and Circa 1863We take ice for granted. As Amy Brady writes in Ice: From Mixed Drinks to Skating Rinks - A Cool History of a Hot Commodity, "Ice is...
A Civil War-era Fancy Cancel - Oh Yeah, and a Heartfelt Letter from a Union SoldierWhen it comes to Civil War postal history, I would describe myself as a dabbler. I don’t specialize in this period, but occasionally I...
First Transcontinental Airmail Involving Night FlyingUpdate: This article was published in the American Air Mail Society's Air Post Journal for June-July 2024. A copy of this article is...